➽ Visit the repository here, to fork, raise issues etc.


A collection of jenkins css themes

  1. Install the Simple Theme Plugin on your Jenkins server.
  2. Then use any of the css and javascript links shown below.

For safety, (ie. these may change, or even disappear.) you may prefer to fork or host them yourself, which you're more than welcome to do.

You may use this project under the terms of the MIT Licence

1. Original

CSS: Style font, search box, remove Jenkins header logo, make header bar black.

JavaScript: add type="search" to search box

2. Cleaner

Similar to original, but cleaner.

CSS: Style font, search box, remove Jenkins header logo, remove underlines from links, make header bar black.

JavaScript: add type="search" to search box. Remove Jenkins' image from the background

3. Menlo Park - latest update: 2013/9/07

!WARNING! Experimental - Cleaner than Clean.

CSS: Style font, search box, remove Jenkins header logo, remove underlines from links, make header bar black. textareas and console output is white on black, larger type, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, or Inconsolata for monospace heaven

JavaScript: add type="search" to search box. Remove Jenkins' image from the background

Please Note: Menlo Park, is in an experimental alpha phase and subject to change without notice. If you find it in a state you like / use, either fork the project and use it from your fork, or post an issue requesting a version, I'll give it a name and post it here as a specific theme for you and anyone else to use.

No screenshot at the moment... a work in progress.

More to come...